
event: INT_03

date: October 12, 2020

Jeff Carey / GX Jupitter-Larsen / Crank Sturgeon / Model Home / Street Rat / Erratix

Join the stream on twitch.tv/2xmono

8:30 pre-show / 9pm show
Central Daylight Time
UTC/GMT -5 hours

please donate
suggested 10USD
all proceeds to the performers

don't miss the stream
the show will not be archived

Jeff Carey

Jeff Carey makes synthetic noise music with an physically controlled software based instrument of his own development called ctrlKey. His music is abstract and sculptural, full of shapes and gesture, colored by noise bursts, percussive glitches and shifting resonance. In recent work, he has incorporated lighting projection to explore the space between visceral and the external embodiment of sound. He builds physically controllable custom software synthesis instruments and is interested in exploring immediate and flexible sound production with virtuosity in electronic music.

"He's acting on raw instinct here - he refuses the clinical approach to programming software or composing music, and strives to throw himself bodily at his machines, replacing all mechanical moving parts with human flesh, blood, and bone. In pursuit of this all-organic goal, virtually everything else is jettisoned, starting with recognizable notes or melody." – Sound Projector magazine editor Ed Pinsent

He is an active member of Baltimore's music scene. He organizes local concerts for touring electronic musicians and is a co-curator of the High Zero Festival for improvised and experimental music and for the Diffusion Festival for electronic multichannel music.

Index[off], released on July 3rd is only available via https://jeffcarey.bandcamp.com/album/index-off

website: http://jeffcarey.foundation-one.org

merch: https://jeffcarey.bandcamp.com

GX Jupitter-Larsen

GX Jupitter-Larsen (sometimes erroneously spelled Juppiter-Larsen) is an artist, based in Hollywood, California, who has been active in a number of underground art scenes since the late 1970s. Jupitter-Larsen has been involved in punk rock, mail art, cassette culture, the noise music scene, and zine culture.[1] During the 1990s he was the sound designer for the performances of Mark Pauline's Survival Research Laboratories. He is the founder and sole permanent member of the noise act The Haters, who have performed all over the world, and appeared on over 300 CD and record releases.

Underlying all of Jupitter-Larsen's work's a peculiar mix of aesthetic and conceptual obsessions, particularly entropy and decay, professional wrestling, and a self-created lexicon consisting mainly of personalized units of measurement such as polywave, the totimorphous, and the xylowave.[1] In 1985, Jupitter-Larsen invented his own number system. Jupitter-Larsen says his transexpansion numeral unit (TNU) explore the distance & separateness in between linear counting locations that do not neighbor each other. When arranged in order, the TNUs form a spiral around the standard linear numbers. If one assumes that each individual linear number is a particular location along a counting order, then each individual TNU would be the distance between two selected linear number locations. Where the TNUs have been placed is unimportant. What is important is that anyone can make up their own personal numbers to symbolize any numeral interrelationship that Jupitter-Larsen's do not. Instead of a way of doing arithmetic, what you end up with here is an emotional & philosophical barometer. The base TNU is I (pronounced a) which is located in between 1&4 but not 2&3.

website: http://www.jupitter-larsen.com/

merch: https://gxjl.bandcamp.com

Crank Sturgeon

Foaming at the gills with pockets full of thrift store novelties, homemade transducers, and costuming collaged from mailbox weeklies usually reserved for the cat box, Crank Sturgeon utilizes such finery to marinate a commingling of noise and lower case art interruption. The consequence has been a quarter century-long journal entry that reads something akin to a failed circus flier: brimming with tales of dirigible mishaps, bathtub teleconferences, cassette recordings consisting of hiccuping contests, and skits showcasing repurposed office equipment that never seem to stay on script (or upright for that matter).

website: https://cranksturgeon.com

merch: https://cranksturgeon.bandcamp.com

Model Home

electronic and vocal duo from the diamond district

experiments in liberated sound and lifestyle

raw expression

merch: https://modelhomedc.bandcamp.com/

Street Rat

Street Rat is not a person but a visceral, intellectual, and spiritual exploration of the mysteries of life. Working toward collective liberation, it is the eye on the ground that sees and translates all intersecting issues as they merge, explode, dissolve, and implode. It is a way to comprehend, a way to cope, a way to feel, and a way to take action. Through raw avant-garbage performance art Gladys Harlow, the Venezuelan non-binary vessel, aims to breakdown societal barriers, abolish oppressive systems, empower communities, and uplift the marginalized. Disrupt the status quo. Rebuild our path.

website: https://gladysharlow.com/portfolio/streetrat/


Heavy electronics duo from Miami. Members of Rauh, Shitstorm, Caveman Cult.

merch: https://www.discogs.com/artist/5512169-Erratix

Join the stream on twitch.tv/2xmono

8:30 pre-show / 9pm show
Central Daylight Time
UTC/GMT -5 hours

please donate
suggested 10USD
all proceeds to the performers

don't miss the stream
the show will not be archived

Jeff Carey / GX Jupitter-Larsen / Crank Sturgeon / Model Home / Street Rat / Erratix
